Contributing editors for the Miami Food Review can be something very fun and exciting. To become an contributor it is very simple, here are the requirements:
- You must Love Food!
- You have your favorite eating places.
- You don't have to like to write.
- You don't have to live in Miami.
If you are interested, please feel free to email me directly at Make sure to put contributing editor on the subject line.
After I receive your email I will either call you or email you back so that we can start communicating. The process for contributing new ideas and suggesting new places is also simple. I will provide you with author privileges with a unique user name and password. You will be able to compose, edit all your posts, include images and links within your post. When you complete and submit your post it will automaticaly be directed to me for editing. The editing process insures that formating is correct and that it adheres to our publishing policy and from time to time I may suggest changes or additions to your post.
Hope to here from you soon.
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